Innocent or Guilty

Okay, folks today’s blog is a little different than usual. I have created a podcast to talk to you about the conviction of Adnan Syed. Whether I believe he was rightfully convicted or wrongfully?

You might be wondering why I have decided to create a podcast instead of just writing my opinions here. First off good question and secondly there are multiple reasons but it mostly boils down to emotions. Yes, I usually write with emotion but I want to correctly display my emotion, and what better way than using my real voice. Plus creating a podcast I am able to add sound effects or even music. Personally, I enjoy having those added features because it makes me feel connected to the author/creator. Since you are only listening to the podcast you are missing out on using your other senses but incorporating different sounds will help keep the listener’s attention. Anyways back to the podcast if you missed the clip at the top you can click here to listen as well.

Creator: Me/Ahliyah K.

If you are reading this and not listening to the podcast that I have attached, I suggest you listen to it. Here I am going to add my works cited and other boring credits that you probably don’t want to read. So go enjoy the podcast!

Creator: Me/Ahliyah K.

Works Cited

Koenig, Sarah. “The Alibi”. Serial. Season 1 Episode 1. The New York Times. 2014.

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